​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the heart of Shelby, NC. Duncan Blount - aka the "Saucologist" is hard at work coming up with some of the best hot sauce fresh to the market. All while spreading knowledge about hot sauce in some of the most creative and unique ways through the community. Leaning into Duncan's passionate vision....we created a logo mark that covered all the elements surrounding who he is and what he's about.....Turning his brand into something special that is super fun, unique, and one of a kind.
Working transparently with Duncan, we formulated a gameplan of what we wanted the labels to look like. Once we established a consistent look across the labels, each label is designed uniquely around each sauces signature flavor. We want anyone to recognize the label on a shelf in a store and immediately recognize our logo and be able to determine which sauce it is based off each labels style.

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